Choosing Your GA FLX Air Compressor

Which Atlas Copco GA industrial compressor is right for you?

Industrial compressors are varied in terms of the sizes they are available in and how they are optimised for use in different environments. This comes down the individual features that an air compressor has. This article will provide an overview of 3 types of oil-injected rotary screw compressors as part of our GA range with the aim of helping you decide which type will work best for you and your needs.

A History of Compressor Technologies

For the longest time, air compressors were only available with a fixed-speed technology system, which meant that once they were turned on, they would run at full-speed until turned off. This resulted in a lot of waste energy as most users do not require their air compressors to be running at maximum capacity at all times. This was the way of compressors up until 40 years ago, when the first Variable Speed Drive model was introduced, revolutionising the industry of air compressors into what it is today. The concept of compressors adjusting their motor speed to adapt to the varying demands of compressed air was the perfect solution combat energy waste and reduce users’ total cost of ownership.

VSD models became the industry benchmark and is the optimal choice for most operations and applications of air compressors. However, there are users out there who remain hesitant to adopt to this technology, for which reason a third type of screw compressor has been invented on top of the fixed-speed and VSD. The third and newest model was the dual-speed compressor.

A dual-speed compressor incurs a lower investment cost than that of its predecessor the VSD, but it saves more energy and money than a fixed-speed compressor. In other words, choosing the right air compressor model for you may not be as simple as it sounds, but this article intended to guide you on your way to deciding.


The GA range (fixed-speed)

To start it all off is the fixed-speed GA FLX Compressor. As its’ name suggests, this compressor only runs at one speed, making them the optimal choice for industry operations with a continuously high demand for compressed air. The low price is on the GA Fixed-Speed’s model more appealing features. Its low price can be supported by it having fewer components than the more recent additions to the GA family, making them easier to maintain. The main setback that is important to consider before choosing this model is that it is not very energy efficient as they operate at constant speed even when demand for air is low. This means that you will be faced with higher operating costs and increased energy wastage.


The GA FLX range (dual-speed)

The dual-speed compressor offers more flexibility as it can run on two speeds. Much like the previous model, it operates at 100% capacity during full load, but unlike the previous model, the compressor goes into unload when there is low air demand and it is only running at minimum speed. Unloading in dual-speed compressors involve adjusting the compressors’ operating speed and capacity to match the demand for compressed air. It is a very effective way of optimising for energy efficiency in an industrial setting. While a dual-speed compressor may be more expensive, the initial cost is very quickly undermined by the potential energy savings over time and it also has less of an environmental impact.


The GA VSD range (variable speed)

The last and also the most impressive model in the GA Range -for a number of reasons that we will cover- is the VSD compressor. They have raised the bar in regards to efficiency, sustainability, connectivity, reliability and ease of operation.

VSD is the most suitable compressor option for industries where the demand for compressed air is subject to a lot of variance. This is because their motor speed can be adjusted to operate at more than two speeds, allowing for very precise control over the output of compressed air. VSD compressors can operate within a much tighter pressure band compared to other GA models, this helps prevent pressure fluctuations and reduces energy waste. The equation that is important to consider here, is the greater the variation in demand, the greater the potential savings, as the compressor will not always need to be running at full capacity. The GA VSD can reduce energy consumption by up to 60%.


If there is one thing that we want you take away from this article, its that saving on energy is easier than you think, and you don’t have to massively extend your budget either. For instance, the VSD may be the most recent and advanced air compressor model, but they also feature the lowest total cost of ownership. The GA FLX range has been designed for people who want more flexibility than fixed-speed but cannot invest in VSD compressor. So, no matter what your requirements, we can guarantee you will find a solution that works for you.

If you would like to find out more about the different models that we offer at Maziak, feel free to contact us and member of our team will be more than happy to help with any queries you might have.

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Choosing Your GA FLX Air Compressor